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If you’ve looked at the Instagram lately, then you already know: the Girl Plus Two family is getting bigger! I never thought I’d have a baby while my youngest is still a baby himself, or imagined having three kids under age five...but I’m so excited! It was more than a little surprising, I mean when I took the test I wasn’t expecting anything, so I was literally confused when the plus sign appeared. I really wanted to share the news with Noam on his birthday, which was a week away, but I just couldn’t wait.

I put the boys to sleep early that night so Noam and I could have a “grown up” talk. Fast forward a bit--he’s just as excited as I am. But it was funny to see him walk around in shock for almost two weeks! (Men…) And Yuli is as happy as ever! I told him the day after Noam, before anyone else, and he’s constantly kissing my (not yet there) belly. Ori isn’t old enough to fully grasp what’s happening, but he sure will in a few months ;)

Being pregnant again reminded me of the whole process with my last two kids, and how different and special each step was with the two of them. Yuli was a complete surprise, so to break the news to Noam, I wrapped the stick like a gift, with a beautiful ribbon, and watched him open it. After he was born, we really wanted a sibling for him, so when I found out with Ori, I immediately ran to wake Noam up.

One thing we’re trying out with this one is not finding out whether it’s a boy or a girl. This part was totally Noam’s idea, and at first I freaked out that I spent hours on the internet, reading up on ways to tell about the baby based on your cravings, or how you’re carrying. But now, I’m just embracing the suspense, hoping for a healthy, summer baby. I love having boys, and it would be great to add a girl, so either one would truly be a blessing.

I can’t wait for August! Going from just Yuli to having two boys was a change, but we did it. Here’s to hoping that having a litter of three won’t be as hard as it sounds--and that it leads to all sorts of new adventures!







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