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It's finally nice out! It took us long enough to get here, didn't it?! In fact, summer begins in less than a month, so spring better not be teasing us East Coasters! This weather makes me happy - the in-between of no-longer-cold but not-yet-too-hot sets the stage for perfect park days, outdoor lunches, and a whole lot of family adventures to take advantage of the just-right temps. The best part of this weather? I get to pack up all of my winter outerwear and break out the lightweight jackets - my favorite being denim.

Check out this look, one of my favorites of the moment:

The two centerpieces of the outfit are unquestionably the denim jacket and white flowy dress. The jacket, a dark wash waist-crop number from JAG Jeans is lightweight, comfortable, and goes with anything. Add in the dyed tones all over the denim, and you have yourself a unique, yet utterly practical, piece of outerwear. I plan to rock this piece from now through the fall, so get ready to see how it evolves with my style!

The white dress, a trendy essential from Zara, fits this third trimester mama just perfectly! The best part? I can wear it post-maternity since the look gives off a chic vibe even when worn oversized on a smaller frame. To note, the lining of the dress is pants-like, making it easy to move around in and wear all day long. (I'm loving the bring back of the skort, whether internally or externally, on clothing! It's so 90's, and flattering, too! Not to mention comfortable and practical with shorter looks.)

Accessory wise, I chose to pair the denim and white with my favorite Adidas sneaks (you already know how much I love these...but add in pregnancy, and they've become a daily staple!), a black/chain crossbody, a gold cuff bracelet and my trusty Illesteva shades (I can't leave home without them!).

Let me know if you love this look as much as I do - I'd love to hear your thoughts! Follow me @diklagoren and on @girlplustwo to stay in the know. Two Months of pregnancy left! Get ready for more style...! ;)

XX= neshikot

sunglasses : ILLESTEVA ; dress: ZARA ; bag: FOLEY + CORINNA ; jacket : JAG






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